About Me

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I've been an artist my whole life and have had so many exciting art related jobs, which makes me kinda of a jack of a bunch of trades. I'm also college grad with a BFA and went to the High School of Performing & Visual Arts here in Houston. Visit my shop at Etsy and I promise you'll most likely receive a Smile to take with you! I decided to mention that about 10 years ago I was on chemo for 2 years. The chemo worked, but left me with other Heath issues, such as a case of Fibro which left me with having to get disability.Sad news, since I had a great career, that I can not work anymore. With my Faith and determination, I am determined to still do my art. My art gives me inspiration and thank you God! Oh, and please follow my blog! I'd love to have yall join me in my show and tells and also would love to hear what yall have to show and tell!:)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Darling Pup Needs Cataract Surgery!

Remy is this precious pup's name and she is blind in one eye from a cataract. Also she has the beginning of a new cataract in her other eye. The owner, Kevin, is such an animal lover, takes in strays to help them find homes and he gets them neutered or spayed. He even has a bag of dog and cat food in his car in case he sees a stray and can't capture them. He will leave food for the strays. Remy is so darling and loving and Kevin can't afford the $3000.00 that would help his baby. I am so afraid Remy will go blind in both eyes. An operation is needed and possibly the cataract surgery will get her sight back. I just thought if I collect some money to help Remy get her surgery, one of our special angels on earth would get her site back. Please contact me by leaving a comment and I will write to you. I can take checks, but also I have paypal. This is for a good cause and the smallest donation will help!
Thank yall so much!
Linda :)
PS: Thanks for the comments on the kittens. Three have found homes!!!

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