About Me

My photo
I've been an artist my whole life and have had so many exciting art related jobs, which makes me kinda of a jack of a bunch of trades. I'm also college grad with a BFA and went to the High School of Performing & Visual Arts here in Houston. Visit my shop at Etsy and I promise you'll most likely receive a Smile to take with you! I decided to mention that about 10 years ago I was on chemo for 2 years. The chemo worked, but left me with other Heath issues, such as a case of Fibro which left me with having to get disability.Sad news, since I had a great career, that I can not work anymore. With my Faith and determination, I am determined to still do my art. My art gives me inspiration and thank you God! Oh, and please follow my blog! I'd love to have yall join me in my show and tells and also would love to hear what yall have to show and tell!:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Pictures

Hi Yall on Monday!
I get to go to the dr's again today! Nothing serious, just routine, but it's a waiting room for hours. Arg. Hopefully it will be my last dr. appointment for awhile.
My boyfriend was over this weekend and he took some new pics of my collages. I will need them when I put them up on my Etsy shop. I still need to make a few more collages though before I reveal them to the world. They look so much better in real life. I guess that's why my work sells at art festivals better than on Etsy. But I don't do festivals except for the the cooler months. They are so...difficult for me to set up and tear down as well. But I LOVE doing the art festivals so much! I always meet such great people! I have to have a partner sharing my booth, but I've done it before by myself and it takes me all day practically to set up and then the day is over! LOL! I keep all my supplies for fests. in my Cherokee jeep because I live in a highrise and it's ridiculous to bring everything up to my apartment. It's also ridiculous having a jeep filled with art fest stuff and I have no room for a passenger!!! If people only knew what I go through for them at these art fests! LOL!
So here are some new pics and although they still don't look perfect, I think they look a lot better than the pics I took!
I promise to scroll around and visit yall's blogs soon and make comments! That gives me something to look forward to because yall are so much fun!!! I wish I had a laptop to bring with me while I wait at the dr's!!!
Have a beautiful day!
I must go now!
Linda :)

My swap Gift for Etsy Texas Crafters Team

1 comment:

  1. The new photos look really good! And I'm wishing you all the best with the doctor's appointment. I know what you mean about sitting in the waiting room for hours!

    P.S. We have a very good friend that does art festivals and so we know how much work it is. It really helps to have a partner!
