About Me

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I've been an artist my whole life and have had so many exciting art related jobs, which makes me kinda of a jack of a bunch of trades. I'm also college grad with a BFA and went to the High School of Performing & Visual Arts here in Houston. Visit my shop at Etsy and I promise you'll most likely receive a Smile to take with you! I decided to mention that about 10 years ago I was on chemo for 2 years. The chemo worked, but left me with other Heath issues, such as a case of Fibro which left me with having to get disability.Sad news, since I had a great career, that I can not work anymore. With my Faith and determination, I am determined to still do my art. My art gives me inspiration and thank you God! Oh, and please follow my blog! I'd love to have yall join me in my show and tells and also would love to hear what yall have to show and tell!:)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mishkat's CAT IN A BOX day

I just had to mention a darling blog site that is dedicated to us cat lovers! She's having a post a photo of your cat in a box day....yall must go mosey on over to her blog to see her's!!! Become a follower too! You never know what her kitties are up to!
Oh, and BTW...that is my kitty Kenzie in a box. Well, I had a big box out at some point but I had to use it, then I had left out a tiny box...I entered the room one day and Kenzie looks up at me and says..."What have you done with my big box"?

MAGGY at Zoolatry & ROMEO at Peggy's Place
have officially declared that
Friday, June 19, 2009
is INTERNATIONAL BOX DAY - and are announcing their
International Box Day Challenge. They say:
On June 19, 2009, let's all post (or re-post)
all the cats in boxes photos we can.
No prizes, no awards, just a box full 'o fun!

I must add to this by saying that Mishkat mentioned to me:
Thank you so much, Linda - but I can't claim credit for this! International Box Day was actually the brainchild of Ann at Zoolatry http://zoolatry.blogspot.com/ and Peggy at Peggy's Place at http://asti009.blogspot.com/ Ann made my banner and the box day graphic - she is very talented!

Kudos go to all these women!!! :)


  1. Thank you so much, Linda - but I can't claim credit for this! International Box Day was actually the brainchild of Ann at Zoolatry http://zoolatry.blogspot.com/ and Peggy at Peggy's Place at http://asti009.blogspot.com/ Ann made my banner and the box day graphic - she is very talented!

    And Kenzie looks beautiful - the cats send her many purrs!

  2. Hah! He looks so regal :)
    Have a great weekend (I'm so excited about my package!!)
    Take care, hugs,

  3. We agree that Tasha, Dobby, Franklin and Katie are all wonderful and worth following! Kenzie is cute in that box!

  4. Great photos everyone! Sophia enjoyed posting her photos and looking at everyone elses: http://lolalynn.blogspot.com/2009/06/international-box-day.html

  5. Yes they're like little children aren't they...they love a box to play with!
