About Me

My photo
I've been an artist my whole life and have had so many exciting art related jobs, which makes me kinda of a jack of a bunch of trades. I'm also college grad with a BFA and went to the High School of Performing & Visual Arts here in Houston. Visit my shop at Etsy and I promise you'll most likely receive a Smile to take with you! I decided to mention that about 10 years ago I was on chemo for 2 years. The chemo worked, but left me with other Heath issues, such as a case of Fibro which left me with having to get disability.Sad news, since I had a great career, that I can not work anymore. With my Faith and determination, I am determined to still do my art. My art gives me inspiration and thank you God! Oh, and please follow my blog! I'd love to have yall join me in my show and tells and also would love to hear what yall have to show and tell!:)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Betty Boop in Full Costume!

Here is my Betty Boop head in full costume at Ramona's shop in Old Town Spring, TX!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ying and Yang and Betty Boop art pieces!

Here are some recent art pieces I finished. The Ying and Yang was commissioned and I decided to put some friendly dragons painted in. My Betty Boop is a large head for someone to wear! It's a little over 201" by 17' made by paper mache. Whew, it was difficult to make!!! Happy November!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sad News for Monet but a New Birthday in Heaven!

Monet started to decline rapidly the last few days. To make a long story short, the only way he could live just a few weeks would be on a life support in a small cage. It was time to let him go live with God and run free from pain he was starting to suffer. I let him go before the worst happened. Problem is, I fell deeply in love with him but I could not let him suffer and now he is the hands of God. I truly believe I will see him again, along with my other pet angels, friends and family. I gave him a very good home for a couple of months and tons of love so at least he had that  in his short time on earth. God Bless this sweetest ever little soul kitten named Monet.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Update on my Problem Child

This is my 3rd entry about my Problem Child, Monet. Well....I have accepted the fact that for now for him to drink water, I have to put water in his food to make sure he drinks water. The pee and poop problem persists as I have tried everything that has been suggested to me, except for the diapers. I had a 3 ft by 3 ft gated area for him to romp in and he kept going on the plastic. So I got 3 boxes, filled with 3 different types of litter. One was the pine stuff, then middle one was the scoopable kind that everyone told me not to use, then the 3rd was the clay kind. Then I enclosed the gated extra area and that left him his fairly large black gated cage fit for a big dog. I left the bottom clean and left his food in there and no toys yesterday. The outside of the cage left only the 3 boxes of litter. He actually chose the pine litter to poop in and the scoopable to pee in!!!!! I gave him tons of praise. Then in the evening I left the tv on, added a few balls he loves to play with, his food, and put a towel in there for him to sleep on. Well he peed in the scoopable and pooped on the towel, so no towel for tonight. Am I making progress here? Only time will tell. I left yall a new a bit grown more of my precious Monet for yall to see. You can almost see that his nose hairs have grown back and if you look closely you can see that it looks like someone painted a black outline around his little nose. Kenzie is still freaked out though, but Kenzie and I have a special relationship and he is definately being cuddly with me again, just can't stand this little new addition to his apartment!!! Will Monet be a new addition in a forever home by the end of August when LeAnne gets back. Only time will tell.

Hope yall have a wonderful Sunday! Now off to take a drawing class from one of my favorite artists!!! I  added 3 favs of my watercolors that she has done. Awhile back when I was writing for Indiesmiles, there should be a link to her article on the right hand side of my wall to read more about her...............It's called A Ray of Sunshine Joy and you will see the doxy pic.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

PS: By the way....

I forgot to say that I have fallen in love with Monet. He may be an awful lot of trouble to take care of for the rest of her life. No one wanted to take care of him, not even foster parents.....vets wanted to put her to sleep....what will happen to him if I don't take care of her?

My Foster Child, Monet

I haven't been around for quite some time and thought it was probably too late now to get noticed again, but I have to try at some point, right? I've recently been a cat sitter for a friend that is a cat rescuer and will be away until the end of August. I've been doing it now for a couple of months. Well, she found this little kitten that had been run over by a car and his head was smashed as well. A very long recoup. and now is 4 months old, but looks 4 weeks old. The sweetest thing in the world. He's been in my lap all day and loves to play and just give and take as much love as he possibly can. His name was Precious, but I didn't like that for a boy cat and thought his markings looked like an impressionist painting, plus if you look at his tail, it has rings around it and the tip looks like it's been dipped into white paint, so it looks like a paintbrush. I went over all the impressionist painters I like and Monet seemed to fit, alas that is where his name came from. I also have a grown cat, Kenzie that hisses at Monet or wants nothing to do with him. I have Monet in a 3 yard by 3 yard fenced in area in my living room. But I will let him free a lot to run and jump around. He follows me where ever I go. I was just wondering if he will ever be able to be potty trained? Or have any of yall heard of a mentally challenged cat that never learns how to be potty trained & yes I have done all what the books say about potty training, but have any of yall heard of a kitty like Monet?
Oh, Here's a picture yall have all seen of beautiful white female kitty named Kenzie:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Spring!

I just wanted to say hi and wish everybody a Happy Spring! I love this time of year and wish it would last! It still isn't too hot and the flowers are blooming. It's so beautiful now. I call this new piece, Spring Breeze Forever.

Friday, February 4, 2011


with it's Artist



YUP!!! They even kept turning off the electricity all over the city because of the added heat. Businesses were closed. Freezing!!! Ok, I'm not sure, but supposedly last night there were snow flurries and ice on the roads. I don't know because I was asleep and didn't watch the news. Although I do know it was 30 degrees during the day. Well, my friend sent me a few pictures of the snow in San Antonio which is a 3 hour or so drive from Houston and I thought this one was so cute, I had to share it. I know, people up North and where ever it really snows are laughing at us.

This snow biz got me to at least post after a very long time. Maybe I'll catch up with yall later and tell yall what's been going on in my life.

Hugs to yall peeps and to those with pets, hugs for them too!!!

Linda :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

MY ART, my love...

I have found another outstanding artist on Etsy from Thailand. He has so many subject matters and styles with his watercolors, acrylics, and oil.... I am overwhelmed. Now yall try to pick out one print to buy! I dare ya :) The more you look into these paintings a deep soul seems to grab out at you and you want to know more about the artist behind this art. Please visit http://www.indiesmiles.com/art-my-love/#comments for more information and please leave a comment there under the article! You won't be disappointed! View this slide show full screened too!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The artist: Linda Silverthorne

The article: Http://www.indiesmiles.com/junebugs/

Please leave comments there too!

The shop: http://lindasilverthorne.etsy.com/


Monday, September 20, 2010

A Luscious Splash of Autumn's Rainbow!

Hi yall!
I just published a new article on Indiesmiles! It's all about Autumn's luscious colors. The slide show of Etsy Artists are breathtaking! Some are photos and some are paintings! Yet some of the paintings look like photographs. You'll have to visit their shops in case you just aren't sure! I really would love comments! Tell your friends to check it out and leave comments that love Autumn! If you love Autumn's colors, you will love this slide show! It's so... beautiful! Also remember to view it full screen! I'd even play some nice music while you watch it. I wish I was allowed to put music to my slide shows. I think music adds so much! Don't yall?
Here's the link:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Man Built a Sanctuary for Homeless Cats!

I found this e-mail so endearing and wonderful, I wanted to share it with yall!

Craig Grant bought a tree farm far away from the city and turned it into a sanctuary for all the cats he has rescued.
He lives there with the cats and provides lots of love, care and companionship. It’s hard to imagine that once he was not a cat lover and did not want cats until he met his son’s cat Pepper. He also got to experience what it is like raising a litter of kittens.
“Over that time I learned that every cat had its own unique personality and it wasn’t long before the kittens were swinging from my curtains. I didn’t care. Something had changed… I didn’t want to give them up.”
The condo life was not easy for the kitties, so Craig found a tree farm and settled down there for his fur babies.
Over the next several months, he rescued more and more homeless and abandoned cats. The number of new residents kept going up, so Craig expanded the sanctuary to make more room for the animals.

The farm was named Caboodle Ranch and is now a permanent home for all the homeless, rescued cats. Each of them has a sad story of their past, but now they are living in heaven.
“Cats should be able to roam free, and at Caboodle Ranch, that’s what they do.”
Craig has built many beautiful cat houses and decorated the place with vibrant colors and tons of liveliness. All the cats are spayed and neutered.

Isn't this every cat lover's dream!
And as far as I know, he is located in Florida on 30 acres with 500 cats!
God Bless this Man!
Here's a website to see much more!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fall in Love With Autumn Wreaths!

Hi yall! Indiesmiles just published my Fall Wreath article! Yall should go see it!I learned a lot just researching history about Wreaths that I found quite fascinating. But I could only choose a small part of history about them. The Fall wreaths I picked for my slide video show are awesome wreaths that not only hang on the wall or door, but there are also gorgeous wreaths worn in your hair!
The more comments I get the better on the article's comment page. As yall know, I am so...anxious for at least one cool breeze here in the heat of Houston, and besides Fall starts on the 23th of September, that is if my calendar is correct!
I hope to see your comments there!!! Link: http://www.indiesmiles.com/fall-in-love-with-autumn-wreaths/#comments

Also remember the ASPCA contest! http://lindagjones.blogspot.com/2010/09/contest-andor-charity-birthday-bash.html#comments

I suppose yall will have to copy and paste these links to your main search on the top left.

I truly wish I had the time to visit yall's wonderful blogs!
I started to produce art again, but I am so busy with other things as well, that I'm not making great progress!
I hope yall are having fun on this Labor Day Weekend!

Linda :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Contest and/or Charity Birthday Bash!

http://www.indiesmiles.com/charity-birthday-bash/ This link will lead you to the right page for all the information.
This is just one item I plan on entering into the handmade art contest for 5.00! I'm so proud to say that Indiesmiles is have a 0ne year Birthday Bash and by celebrating we are having a fundraiser of all the money going towards the ASPCA!!!
The Handmade Contest
This link will only lead you to the Art Contest, but is also on the main link at the top that I added.
You may enter $5.00 alone, and or enter a picture of your pet for the Pet contest to win prizes, or you could chose to enter a photo of your handmade item in the Art contest. Each 5.00 will give you the chance to enter as many pictures you would like and I just noticed you may also leave your shop or blogsite in, and when a person clicks on your picture it will show all your details! Here is another art item I will be entering: I am working on changing my Kenzie photo to a better size when enlarged, because I made it too small and so when it's enlarged it looks too grainy, plus I would like to edit my comments. So please make sure you are totally satisfied before entering as I have a way in, since I am a columnist there. Hey, by the way to vote is for free!!! I want to also add my belated kitty Peanut that lived to be 20 years old because I actually got her at the ASPCA.The Pet Contest http://www.indiesmiles.com/charity-birthday-bash/best-pet-pic/ (This link will only lead you to the Pet Contest but is also listed on the main link I added at the top.) I know for a fact that they are a great place although they have too many animals and are in desperate need of help and adoptions. I got Peanut and her brother that passed away when he was 11 yrs old. I miss them both terribly, but you pet lovers know about that. Kenzie was brought into my life and we fell in love as yall know.
So, this is a great way to give to a wonderful cause, and also, if you want to add your pic or pics to the Pet and/or Handmade pic for fabulous prizes if you get the most votes.
If you are strapped for 5.00, at least come vote for one or all of my pics!!!

Hope yall's summer is not ending like mine, where it's still in the 90's!!! I sure am looking forward to a cool breeze....at least one!That may take some time though. I hear we may be having a cool front this weekend. Uppers in the 90's and at night in the 70's. Ummm....ok..?
Linda :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What a Doll!

I just wrote a new article with fabulous handmade dolls and patterns of a lot of different creations in doll land on www.Indiesmiles.com I sure would love for yall to visit it and since we are having a contest with whoever gets the most comments wins the prize!
This is the link:

It sure has been awhile since I have the time to visit my own blog as well as others. Has been a strange couple of months with everything breaking down including ...it seems that my computer needs a new hard drive! Geesh. When it rains, it pours it seems. Even my toilet overflowed today. I used every single towel I own to sop it up .............................. and now I don't have time to wash them as I need to go to a Houston Artisan Team meeting shortly! Ok, this is getting a little out of "money in my pocket" hand. I will wait until it is absolutely necessary to get my computer fixed as it will cost another fortune!!! At least Kenzie, my precious cat daughter is doing fine
and my ballroom dance classes are doing fine, making my body better, although I do still have a lot of pain, there are days now that I don't have any pain and I still go to dance class with pain! I just force myself through it and usually my body seems to get centered and after the class I am in no pain a lot of the times. I wake up the next day and am in a normal person's muscle pain, not fibro pain. There IS a difference! I am getting stronger and LOVE IT!!!! It's way fun, although I do look kinda weird in my jazz ballet shoes while every other gal is wearing their high heels. How do they do it? I have to wear my foot and hand braces. Oh! I was at a ballroom dance the other night and they were selling dance clothes and trimms. I got a skirt to die for! It looks right out of the 40's although Scarlet Ohara from the movie "Gone With the Wind" must have worn it. It only cost me $10.00! I will fix it to fit me as it is a bit too small and I also want it a little more hip hugger. I have a thing with clothes being exactly around my waist. The dress is made out of layers of chiffon! It's divine and so.. my taste! Well, and last but not least, I sold a new piece and it is available, kinda like a customized item in my Etsy, Http://LindaGJ.Etsy.com and here it is!
Here's wishing yall a wonderful week!
Linda :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

An Artist Beach Babe!

It's still in the 100's here, so it's still very much the summer, as people elsewhere are getting ready for fall and I'm still in the beach mode! Well, I was so lucky to find out about this wonderful artist and also I purchased one of her limited prints of this one, along with some other smaller print goodies that I will cherish forever. She even did a darling sketch of a gal surfing a wave on the carboard envelope that she sent the print in, that I want to frame as well! How cheerful this one is, so colorful, I adore the hats as well as the friends hanging out together at the beach! Well I approached the artist and she let me write an article about her! You will find her so fascinating and there is so much going on being her story and what she is also doing now! Please visit the article, and browse away. Please also leave a comment , since I am sending yall to the comment section link where you put your comments and you'll need to scroll up to see the article, a video slide, and a few of her links that can not be missed! *Sorry about the stupid pop up this slide video maker is now putting up..they gotta make money, but all you have to do is click on the far right top corner and click on the black x to get rid of it) I'm looking into finding another free video maker.. very frustrating! :( *

Here is the link: http://www.indiesmiles.com/an-artist-beach-babe/#respond

Thank you and hope yall are having a beautiful "beach kinda day"!

Linda :)